Since the beginning of 2017, Thailand has been affected by heavy rainfalls for many months. According to the Meteorological Department, accumulated rainfall during January 1 – September 30, 2017, was 28 % higher than average. The months that had higher rainfalls than average were May, 50% higher than average; July, 41 %; and August, 8 %. Even January and April also had higher rainfalls than normal. As a result, there have been flooding and repeated floods in many areas.
COERR, in coordination with Catholic Bishops Conference of Thailand’s Caritas Thailand, Diocesan offices, congregations, schools, local organizations, community leaders and volunteers, started to render relief services to the affected communities immediately. Team staff were sent to the areas, data was collected, letters and emails were sent, social medias, such as facebook and line, were used to campaign for help and to inform our partners and public, for support. With the assistance of COERR’s partners and volunteers, relief supplies were gathered and packed in sets, ready for distribution. The team of staff, volunteers and partners went out to the communities to distribute relief supplies of daily consumable items including food, drinking water, life vest, pontoon boats, and cooked food in needed areas.

On November 1, 2017, distribution of consumable supplies to flood affected villagers at Radbumroongsilp School
COERR in coordination with many organizations, government and private sectors, together with COERR volunteers, visited, surveyed and then provided consumable relief supplies to the affected flood victims
Database of affected communities were surveyed and collected for further assistance for their rehabilitation and self-help program in the future such as agriculture and livelihood.
Activities for flood relief started since August and still continue till the situation returns to normal, will be taken as best practice to maintain quality of implementation and coordination for future approach.

COERR and St. Gabriel’s College provided consumable supplies of rice, UHT milk and dried foodstuff to the flood victim families

In coordianation with Catholic and non-Catholic organization, government and other private sectors, distribution of survival kits, pontoon boats, life vests, and cooked food were made to flood victims in Sakhon Nakhon Province

Distribution of Bottled Water for Families in Flood-Prone Areas

In response to floods, COERR coordinated with Catholic schools and organizations, launched campaign to government and private sectors including local organizations and volunteers to gather consumable supplies and distribute to the affected communities
